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Resultados 51-60 de 65.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2011-10-20Rodent middens reveal episodic, long‐distance plant colonizations across the hyperarid Atacama Desert over the last 34,000 yearsDíaz Aguirre, Francisca; Latorre, Claudio; Maldonado, Antonio; Quade, Jay; Betancourt, Julio
2009Biological properties of the Chilean native moss Sphagnum magellanicumMontenegro, Gloria; Portaluppi, Mariana; Salas, Francisco; Díaz, María Francisca
2013-03Gavilea araucana (Phil.) M.N.Correa: first record of an orchid for Chile on Sphagnum peatland in MagallanesDomínguez, Erwin; Bahamonde, Nelson
2007Patterns and gradients in South Patagonian ombrotrophic bog vegetationKleinebecker, Till
2015Current state of knowledge on Virilastacus species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Parastacidae)Rudolph, Erich
2012Distributional patterns of the South American species of Hyalella (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae)De Los Ríos, Patricio; Morrone, Juan; Rivera, Reinaldo
2013-01The role of fleshy pericarp in seed germination and dispersal under flooded conditions in three wetland forest speciesMora, Juan; Smith Ramírez, Cecilia; Zúñiga Feest, Alejandra
2015Zooplankton of the highland bogs of Putana, a desert wetland of the high puna, northern ChileMuñoz Pedreros, Andrés; Ríos Escalante, Patricio; Möller, Patricia
2012-06Revisión de la distribución de Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) en la Patagonia e islas adyacentesDe Los Ríos, Patricio; Mansilla, Andrés; Anderson, Christopher
2009Estudio de la flora liquénica de las turberas de la comuna de tortel (Región de Aisén), patagonia chilena.Villagra, Johana; Montenegro, Drina; San Martín, Cristina; Ramírez, Carlos; Álvarez, Iván